- AS
Prepare yourself for the world of business. With an A.S. degree in Finance from Nashville State, you will be prepared to take your education to the next level. Lay the foundation for your bachelor’s degree now, with courses that are guaranteed to transfer to a 4-year university after graduation. With a variety of course delivery methods, you can find classes that fit your schedule.
Associate of Science
Two years
After Nashville State
The A.S. degree in Finance is best used to transfer to a 4-year college or university. We guarantee a successful transfer to complete your bachelor’s degree at a Tennessee public university with the help of Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs). Complete all the courses listed on the Finance A.S. degree TTP at Nashville State, and you will have completed the first two years of a four-year bachelor's degree.
Campus Availability: Courses for this degree are available at a variety of campus locations and online. To check current course offerings check class schedule.