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- 06.16.22
Nashville State Clarksville Campus to Hold Info Session on Entry into Lucrative Industry
Nashville State Community College’s Clarksville campus is hosting an informational session about Industrial Process Control Technology and built-in career pathways on Thursday, June 23, 5-7 p.m. The campus is located at 1760 Wilma Rudolph Blvd.
- 05.04.22
Renovation and Expansion of Nashville State's Clarksville Campus Funded in 2022-23 State Budget
$34,080,000 for the renovation and expansion of Nashville State Community College’s Clarksville campus, creating a community-based Center for Higher Education, was appropriated in the recently approved state budget for the fiscal year 2022-23....
- 02.07.22
Governor Lee Includes Funding for Nashville State Clarksville Campus Expansion in His 2022-2023 Budget
Gov. Lee has included $34,080,000 in his 2022-2023 fiscal year budget for Nashville State’s Clarksville campus expansion. The expansion project is a collaboration between the College and TCAT Clarksville campus.
- 11.23.21
Support Builds for Nashville State Clarksville Campus Expansion
To continue meeting the needs of the Clarksville-Montgomery County area, Nashville State has been working on a proposed plan to expand its campus located on Wilma Rudolph Blvd. The expansion project is a collaboration between the College and TCAT...
- 08.26.21
Kroger Supports Nashville State Campus Cupboard
The College’s Clarksville campus, through a generous donation by Kroger, has food and personal items available for students to order in-person or online.
- 06.23.21
Nashville State Expands IPCT Program to Clarksville
Nashville State Community College Expands Industrial Process Control Technology Program to Clarksville campus.
- 06.11.21
Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville Agreement
Leaders from Nashville State and TCAT Dickson-Clarksville signed an articulation agreement allowing eligible TCAT students in digital graphic design to transfer credits towards an Associate degree in visual communications at Nashville State.
- 03.24.21
Nashville State Students Can Ride for Free on Clarksville Transit System
Nashville State Community College – Clarksville Campus, in partnership with the Clarksville Transit System, is now offering free transportation assistance for students.
- 02.05.21
Nashville State Clarksville Offers Campus Cupboard for Students
Nashville State's Clarksville Campus is now offering food assistance, via the Campus Cupboard, for students in need.
- 01.12.21
CMCSS Teacher Residency Program
Nashville State is partnering with Clarksville-Montgomery County School System and Austin Peay State University on a Teacher Residency Program.