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- 10.24.24
The Wonders of Study Abroad
At first, it can sound terrifying to leave your country and study at another. This may be out of the comfort zone for some people, but once you take action, you realize that it is worth every single moment once you’re in the host country.
- 10.21.24
Nashville State, with VUMC CPiAH support, Awarded a $50,000 Healthcare Grant
Nashville State Community College has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Tennessee Hospital Association to fund the hiring of a new Central Sterile Processing Instructor.
- 10.16.24
Workforce Development Options Provide Opportunity for Employers and Residents
The Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education at Nashville State is providing exceptional opportunities for students and employers alike.
- 10.09.24
Scott Comes Full Circle in Return to Caring for Patients
A partnership between Nashville State and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is making it possible for students to receive a certification as a medical assistant in only 12 weeks.
- 09.27.24
Get Ready for Fall 2024 Semester Classes
Nashville State is here to help students prepare for a successful Fall 2024 semester.
- 08.29.24
Nashville State Foundation Serves Students
The Nashville State Community College Foundation is serving the needs of students beyond the traditional avenues of financial aid.
- 08.15.24
19 Educators Earn ACUE Certification in Effective College Instruction
During a pinning ceremony on Nashville State’s White Bridge campus, 19 educators from the college were recognized for earning their ACUE Certification in Effective College Instruction.
- 08.06.24
Nashville State Welcomes 65 Future Educators as Part of Training Partnership
Two signing events were held on the campus of Austin Peay State University to celebrate 25 students in the Grow Your Own rural cohort and 40 in the CMCSS Teacher Residency cohort.
- 07.10.24
Nashville State Welcomes School of STEM Dean
Nashville State Community College announces Dr. Shawn Barwick Wild as its new dean for the School of STEM.
- 07.03.24
Parker Announced as New Nashville State Community College Foundation Executive Director
After three years with the Nashville State Community College Foundation, Ryan Parker has been named its new executive director following a search for outgoing director Cecily Freeman, who is moving to be closer to family.