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- 10.16.24
Workforce Development Options Provide Opportunity for Employers and Residents
The Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education at Nashville State is providing exceptional opportunities for students and employers alike.
- 10.09.24
Scott Comes Full Circle in Return to Caring for Patients
A partnership between Nashville State and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is making it possible for students to receive a certification as a medical assistant in only 12 weeks.
- 09.18.24
Grant Will Fund Career Pathway for High School Students
Nashville State and Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS), with the support of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, were awarded $2 million to create an opportunity for students at Maplewood and Pearl-Cohn high schools .
- 09.13.24
Nashville State Graduates, Cat Financial Apprentices Complete Program
During a special ceremony on the college’s White Bridge campus, Nashville State graduates and current Cat Financial employees Jorge Rosario Agosto and Ramiro Valdez celebrated the completion of their apprenticeship program right where their journey...
- 09.12.24
tnAchieves, Nashville State Celebrate Partnership Milestone
tnAchieves and Nashville State Community College celebrated a major milestone in its partnership.
- 08.09.24
2024 TBR Chancellor's Award Presented to Nashville State Community College Supporter Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson County
The Tennessee Board of Regents has honored the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County with the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Philanthropy. Metro has been a champion of supporting student success and the mission of Nashville...
- 08.06.24
Nashville State Welcomes 65 Future Educators as Part of Training Partnership
Two signing events were held on the campus of Austin Peay State University to celebrate 25 students in the Grow Your Own rural cohort and 40 in the CMCSS Teacher Residency cohort.
- 07.25.24
Nashville State, Nashville General Hospital Strategic Partnership Producing Positive Outcomes
A year and a half ago, Nashville State President Dr. Shanna L. Jackson and Nashville General Hospital (NGH) CEO Dr. Joseph Webb assembled their teams to discuss pathways from the classroom to a healthcare career.
- 07.24.24
Nashville State Community College and UTK College of Social Work Announce Credit Transfer Agreement
Nashville State graduates with a degree in social work from the School of Business and Professional Studies may seek admission to the University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Social Work (CSW) through Guaranteed Admission or Priority Admission...
- 06.12.24
Nashville State Early College Program Launching at Cane Ridge High School
Cane Ridge High School will launch an Early College program at the start of the 2024-25 school year.